Pewsey Primary School

Year 4 Homework


Homework will be set on a Friday and due the following Thursday. 

Weekly expectations:

  • Spellings: Practise spellings in readiness for a spelling test each Friday. Please be aware that spellings are set in an individualised manner and tailored to your child. These will be adjusted accordingly throughout the year.
  • In school we are continuing to use spelling journals where the children will practise their spellings daily using the Multi Sensory Spelling strategies. You can find these by clicking the link below. 

Multi Sensory Spelling Strategy Sheet

  • Reading:  Every Monday morning we will check for Fantastic Four readers. There needs to be an adult signature in the home school record to verify when your child has read.
  • Times tables: It is always beneficial to practise these at home. We are currently overlearning the 6,7,8,9 x tables. (if your child is still not secure in 4 and 8x table it would be useful to continue working on these).


A selection of apps and websites that might be useful:


  • Tick Tock- Tell the time
  • Time teacher lite
  • Percy Parker
  • Maths Rockx
  • Maths loops
  • Thinking blocks
  • Squeebles (times tables, add/subtract, fractions, division, spelling)
  • Book Creator
  • Scratch/ Scratch Junior


  • Purple Mash (our new alternative to Education City)
  • Maths playground
  • Top Marks
  • BBC Bitesize


Homework grid

Following the success of the homework grid, there is a new grid for this term. Here is the original letter for your reference.  This terms Homework grid is based around our topic 'Go Wild'.

If you have any questions feel free to ask. 

Year 4 Purple Mash blog

The class have been using Purple Mash to develop our understanding of online sharing. The children can contribute to this by logging onto Purple Mash and clicking on the home button. From here select the 'Year 4 blog'.