Pewsey Primary School

Pewsey Primary School Local Governors

Mrs N Gilbert (Executive Headteacher) is an ex-officio Governor

Mrs S Kemp (Deputy Head) also attends Governors' meeting

Governors are appointed for a renewable 4-year term of office

(current terms shown; governors completing more than one term of office are marked *)

Name  Term of Office email address


Linda Trapnell


Appointed by King Alfred Trust (4/10/22 - 3/10/26)
[email protected] 

Bex Murray

Staff Governor (Teaching)  (9/09/21 - 8/09/25)
[email protected]
David Creasey-Benjamin 

Parent Governor 

 (March 2024 - March 2028)


[email protected]


Helen Edwards 

Parent Governor 

(9/10/2020 - 8/10/2024)

[email protected]


Matt Darroch

 Local Governor

(15/11/2022 - 14/11/2026)

 [email protected]

Margaret Greig

 Local Governor

(08/03/2023 - 07/03/2027)

 [email protected]


The Clerk to the Governors is Mrs Helen Johnson: [email protected]


You can email all the governors by using: 

      [email protected]



Governor Attendance

A register of attendance for 2023 - 2024 can be found here.

Governor Business Interests 

Governors need to declare their Business Interests.  These can be found here.



 At Pewsey Primary School we value the comments and opinions of others.

If you have any questions or comments about our school then please send them to our Parent Liaison Governor at  [email protected]


Funding Agreement