Pewsey Primary School

Pewsey Primary School was inspected by OFSTED on 8th & 9th November 2022. 


Read our very recently published report here


 Letter from the Chair of Governors


Dear Parents/Carers,


On behalf of the Governors of Pewsey Primary School I would like to say thank you to all those involved in the recent Ofsted Inspection.

The School received an extremely positive report, which reflected all the hard work that is done by the Leadership team and all the people who ensure that your children learn in a safe and nurturing environment.

 One particular comment in the report reflected this very well

The executive headteacher and staff have high expectations for pupils’ conduct and behaviour. Staff and pupils are clear about the routines in place in and out of lessons. As a result, the school is calm and orderly. Pupils behave positively around school and in lessons. They trust adults to support them

The report goes on to praise the strong subject knowledge of staff and the wide curriculum that is available to your children.

The love of reading is shared between staff and pupils.

Teachers have strong subject knowledge because they access regular training.

Above all, the achievements of your children were celebrated. This success is only made possible by the School, Families and Community working together

They achieve exceptionally well because leaders consider carefully what pupils need to know and when.

I am confident that the School will continue, with your support, to strive to provide excellent provision in a safe learning environment.


Linda Trapnell

Chair of the Local Governing Body of Pewsey Primary School


 Alternatively you can view the report on the Ofsted website by clicking HERE