Online Safety and Electronic Learning
At Pewsey Primary School, we believe that we have a duty to teach our children how to stay safe when online. E-Safety is taught through both our PSHE (Personal, Social and Health Education) and Computing schemes of work. We use TEACH Computing, The Health Education Partnership Scheme for PSHE (including JIGSAW PSHE and KAPOW Wellbeing for activities), and Project Evolve to supplement our teaching of Online Safety.
Each year, we also take part in Internet Safety Day (normally in February) in order to highlight the most important messages around being online.
To read our Online Safety Policy, click here.
Two documents that you may find useful are:
Parent and Carer Factsheet (including useful links)
Young People and Social Networking Services
In order to keep our children and staff safe when using school devices (both in and out of school), we have several safety measures:
- Securly Web Filter (for schools)
- User based filtering- different groups have slightly different filtering levels
- An 'egg' icon on the desktop which children are taught to click on if they see something they think is inappropriate- this alerts our internet filtering team as well as the class-teacher
- We are instantly alerted if searches are done and contain specific words and/ or phrases.
- A member of the Senior Leadership Team/ Safeguarding Team reviews the search report every week.
In Term 1 (2022-23), we will be surveying parents and carers to ascertain their needs as regards information sessions and materials for supporting their children to use the internet safely. In Term 2, we will running at least one information session to address these needs.
Other useful links:
NSPCC Net Aware - Information about the most commonly used apps by young people.
Think U Know - Find out what's good and what's not and what you can do about it.
UK Safer Internet Centre - Information for parents and carers. - Helping parents keep their children safe online.
Grid Club, Internet Proficiency Scheme