Pewsey Primary School

The School Day (Opening Hours)


At Pewsey Primary School pupils arrive between 8:45 and 9am.

School is open between 8:45am and 3.15pm. 


Children should arrive between 8.45am and 9am. Registration takes place at 9am.

Compulsory school hours are between 9am and 3.15pm. 


Children in EYFS and KS1 have a morning break from 10.10-10.30am. Lunch is from 12noon-1pm.

Children in KS2 have a morning break from 10.35-10.50am. Lunch is from 12:20pm-1pm.


Taking into account these breaks, 32hrs 30mins is taught in EYFS/KS1 during the school week.

In KS2, there are 34hrs and 10mins taught during the school week.