Pewsey Primary School

Mrs Kemp

Deputy Headteacher

Senior Leadership Team (SLT) Member

FS2 & KS1 Leader

Early Reading and Phonics Leader

Computing Leader

Safeguarding (DSL) 

I am the Reception/Year One class-teacher and the deputy head-teacher. I have been at the school since Easter 2016.

I have been teaching for over 25 years and have held senior positions in four schools. I have been lucky enough to have taught every year group in the primary age range. 

Out of school, I enjoy spending time with my husband and my two sons- they all keep me busy! Now my two sons are getting older, my husband and I love to walk! We especially love walking in Pembrokeshire- our favourite place in the world! We also like to travel with our two sons.

II love making things and enjoy baking and also a wide range of craft activities. I try to find time to do these things as much as possible.

I love working at Pewsey Primary School because of the pupils, parents and staff. It is a  privilege to work in a school that really puts the children at the core of everything it does!