SEN Information
Training and resources
Q. How are the setting’s resources allocated and matched to children’s SEND?
A. Adults with specialisms are allocated to teach interventions and offered professional development to increase their expertise. The Head, SENCO and class teacher are all involved in deciding what will best benefit a child and after a cycle of assess, plan, do and review will consider next steps. Outside agencies and the SENCO can also advise on any suitable resources that may be available to support the child.
Q. What specialist services and expertise are available to my child?
A. Our school has access to the Wiltshire SSENS (Specialist Special Educational Needs Service) which provides advice and support for learning, Autism, physical and medical needs etc. We also work with the Educational Psychology Service, CAMHS, Wiltshire Mental Health Support Team, Behaviour Support Service, Sensory Impairment Physical and Medical Service, Speech and Language Therapy Service, Occupational Therapy Service and the School Nursing Service. We may engage with other specialist services where necessary to meet the child's needs.
Q. What can I do if I am unhappy with the training or expertise available to my child?
A. Please come in and discuss your concerns with the class teacher, SENCO and/or Head.